Everyone should know Einstein is the smartest person in d world:

*ps - NZ go play play :P
Everyone should know Einstein is the smartest person in d world:
One more week lead us to Chinese New Year, so i wanna wish everyone:
I must salute to their creative-ness!
i swear, they're damn good..
Funny thing is, when i live in KL, the number of times i go Genting can be counted by both of my hand, when i back to johor, yea i went Genting XD
idiot!.. * i admit*
IN between Johor -----> Genting! we stopped at my friend's bf house, took some picture there.. no offense! just to post it here :) *i don't think they will come visit my blog, so nvm la :PU know how rare is this? since government impose the new law, small pack ciggy will be 14 stick and over take the original small 10 stick package. it's about 5~6 years! and of course it's empty..
Hip-hop shoes! yO y0~ check this out! DJ point in d house!
At first i didn't notice those caps, cus I'm actually not interested on caps! and my head too big, so a normal cap doesn't suits me :( BUT, each caps is around rm400+ rm500+ can you imagine? rm2k is putting at here :P
Essential item for a Professional DJ! Scratch machine! *the keluar is Excluded*
Hm.. should i say who is him now? yup! He is one of the member in
Happy Wedding to my friend mr.dj.micheal and wan yi :)
Happy 21st b'day my friend ah kan, wish you all the best and brighter future towards your life, i know you around 6~7 years already, watching you from bad turn better. time flies from you 13~14 years old boy now already 21 guy. *lolx not yet men* grow bigger and get mature, don't always let your parents worry you kaes? *hm.. should i say this to myself too?*
Picture taken when the bbq is over, and the b'day boy was washing the floor =xat d b'day party, i noticed that one of my friend - you can found her on few post before this - Alice, tattooed at her right leg, some picture with color (not black, it's colored), frankly say i don't like it, but in johor.. my friend with tattoo are much much more then my friend without tattoo =x too bad i can't change the facts, so just ask her a question with my curiousness.
Roy: how many tattoo do you have?
Alice: 5
Roy: wow.. where sial?
Alice: here, there, there, here and here :!
Roy: wow.. just behind your ear, can let me take a picture :P
Alice: Kaes..
NZ, i thought tattoo at d ear are quite special, but i just found out, 2 of my friend tattoo on his neck, 1 tattoo at her ear.. i was like.. "cheh.. nothing special liao"Few days back, i went Singapore again. to visit a friend from kl stay in Tampinese, and i saw this kids..
带着身心的痛苦,我呕心沥血的写了今天的部落格,我的手,脚,腰和胸 都隐隐作痛。。
只做了一会儿的运动 打篮球 + 游泳 = 认老 就知道自己就快不行了,还逞强,昨天应了个朋友的邀约,到家附近的篮球场 打打篮球,就因为最近的天气都冷冷的,就打打篮球也不错啊。想让自己的骨头松松下,没想到一去骨头就全散了,还要慢慢捡回来,雪特!
由于只有三个人去打篮球,活动空间超大,头一小时内,我们是以小孩的速度在球场上奔驰,一小时后我们是以年迈者的脚步在球场上竞走。一时想起了很多的童年回忆,很多的篮球术语。 术语 = 专业名词
术语1 - 不会进的啦 - 平时对手在投篮时,最好的激将法。
术语2 - 看你! - 最好的责备 + 羞辱方法
术语3 - 你的手最后一个动到 - 推卸责任,想拿发球权
术语4 - 你去捡球咧 - 大家只想投,不想打了
Just read some article about burning your extra calorie by using SEX.. here is the article and i truly believe it does helps!
-Take off bra
By using both hand - 8 Calorie
By using one hand - 12 Calorie
By using your teeth - 485 Calorie
-Orgasm a.k.a 性高潮
Real - 112 Calorie
Fake - 1315 Calorie
-Wearing cloth
Steady - 32 Calorie
Rush - 98 Calorie
-You will see when will they burn the most Calorie in d following sentence
Her father knocking the door - 5218 Calorie
Your wife knocking the door - 13,521 CalorieCongrats my friend Rony aka DJ Micheal happy marry, dinner will be held at JJ 云华宫 @ 13 January 2008!
Hi, before i start all speech i would like to wish everybody a happy new year :)
lolx, to discuss hottest topic for yesterday.. i think everyone knows that right? where to count down? thanks for mr.ah-tan! i spend my new year with him *benci-nya*, eat steamboat at some coffee shop opp of TheStore. most of the jb-rean should know this, in Chinese is call 现代启示录.. ya, we eat steamboat for a year, from year 2007 to 2008.
after that we went Docle just to meet up some friends.. up stairs got Salivate and Cabana just right opposite, so we can visit 1 by 1 ;)
left side is Cabana, middle is the count down stage *already start packing when i went there* right side is Modesto, Dolce, Salivate..of cus you will ask.. which one nicer, and i just want to tell u, there is only music different but ALL IS SAME..
this one is in CabanaThanks Alice for being my embasser for Cabana, she did appear in d video i upload.. can't see huh? lolx
this one is in MOS - ministry of sound @ Singapore *when celebrating Christmas eve
Same right? my wish for last year never come true, but this year i got the same wish again.. eh don't play play ya!!! I'm looking for a serious gf :)
为什么不喝啤酒,因为啤酒伤身体... drink liquor lo..