Watched a movie yesterday called Hitch , i know it was old, but still very nice :)
it's about how Hitch *will smith* self entitled as a consultant and management person, and actually he is a hidden date master ;)
i love one of the scenes, when it happen in a pub, a stranger trying to pick up a girl, " hey girl, you looks a person, is like my next girlfriend " LMAO!!!
and another phase that i very agree with, " maybe my right person sleeping with a wrong person, facing him everyday in the early morning, and she is looking for me too ;) "
in the movie, will smith is a consultant to teach his customer every little thing, to get the girl that you desire, like example how to dance, how's your expression, what to do, carry out the right thing at the right time, ask a make-yourself-looks-not-so-stupid question, stare at her eyes and listen to what she says not imagine her naked body...
but just wondering here, so the girl love you by the way you doing ALL THIS and it's not the real you, how about once you get married? so you still have to pretend like you're so cool, so great, also got a make-yourself-looks-not-so-stupid question?
ask yourself?
basic principle: no matter what, no matter when, no matter who, any man has a chance to sweep any women on her feet, just need to right broom..
6 years ago
1 royal has commented:
unless someone is getting married with someone within few months, if not i dun think the true himself can remain hidden in long relationship.
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