Tuesday, July 31, 2007


my voodoo, prepare for incoming hungry ghost festival..

Monday, July 30, 2007


Found this stupid article before i sleep.. and this article made me laugh like mad.. *wakaka* sorry i can't stop laughing! here we go~

""Mat Rempits also have been influenced by the western art and media culture, taking up terms such as Superman , Spiderman, Ironman, Cicakman and also Deadman. They start from young, when their dads give them their very first "kapcais" (100cc motorbikes).

However, they are also very patriotic too by waving Malaysian flags all around during independence day shouting "Merdeka!", and then ending up under a van.

They are also main contributers to Malaysia's Vision 2020 goal to have a 70 million population through mass rape of gullible Malay teenagers and their fellow Minah Rempits. Their role is absolutely crucial because the population growth of the Chinese and the Indians are grinding to a halt - both due to migration and improved family planning. The government hopes someday to populate the entire streets with crazy-ass Mat Rempits and show the entire world just how responsible Malaysian bikers are.

Rempit styles
  • The Superman style was create by lying down horizontally on the bike and speeding at 150kmh. Guiness world of records were amazed when they tested the results and found out the this method actually increased the speed by 20% and giving them +2 bonus when evading police roadblocks. The Sailboat method was also a jaw-dropping skill where the rempit stands on the seat of the bike and control the bike via their feet. This method harness the wind's energy and thus lowers fuel consumption and saving enough money to buy drugs and cigarettes, giving them -25% fuel consumption, +10% money saving, +3 bonus when there is a strong wind. Another way is where the rempit does a willy where they will carry the front wheels and ride only on the back wheel. With less surface touching the ground, they manage to lower the friction, this is the most common method and can be found in penang almost every midnight.
  • The Deadman method is usually found near traffic lights or under a lorry's wheel. Usually rempits will zig-zag in traffic and end up under a lorry or fly across a junction when the traffic light is red at the speed of 120km/h and usually end up colliding with a solid object. This is another common method in rempiting especially among the newbies. However, there is one drawback. This skill is the ultimate skill where the user can only cast it once in their life. After casting it, no cards can be drawn and regrets are not accepted. Loser loses 40 lives and gains a +150% pain bonus and +3 bonus from instant death. If user has helmet, loser only loses 30 lives and gains only 120% pain bonus and +30% chance to get coma.
  • The Spiderman method is where rempits ride the motorbike in pairs. The pillion rider stands at the back of the seat. The driver gains -20% fuel consumption because the pillion harness the energy form the wind. The pillion rider gets high and starts swinging his hand like a propeller and thus giving the motorbike a +50% speed boost for 8 seconds. During this time, there is a 20% chance that the pillion rider will fall off the bike and suffer broken bones. This is probably the best way to enjoy rempiting if you do not have driving license. (Read More) ""
There is alot more from the Uncyclopedia.. go check this out :)

p/s: it remind me of the Not So Furious Parody from Hitz.fm (known as Hitz.am before 1957 *lols*).. the best match of the year! lmao

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I watched Vacancy in mid valley today, and this is the summary..

"When David and Amy Fox's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they are forced to spend the night at the only motel around, with only the TV to entertain them... until they discover that the low-budget slasher movies they're watching were all filmed in the very room they're sitting in. With hidden cameras now aimed at them…trapping them in rooms, crawlspaces, underground tunnels…and filming their every move, David and Amy must struggle to get out alive before whomever is watching them can finish their latest masterpiece." (Read More)

my rating for a thriller movie: 6/10

this movie have a weak beginning and stupid ending.. it leave a big space for audience to imagine, the director doing a good job in the middle part of the movie, horror and thrills all the way from the middle to end.. so if you got free time and extra 10 bucks, it's a "okay" movie for you to spend a little time for it, oh ya.. this movie only took 1 and half hr, pretty short huh?

there is a short path lead to the shopping mall after movie right? and i found this on the wall, quite funny so i decide to post it :)

do you saw it? ROMPAK LARI!!! it's main logo for visit "malaisia" year 2007 :P

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Rubber-plas exhibition 2007

Yesterday i received a call from my boss mr.willy tan a.k.a Miyauchi san (japanese), he asked me go to Putra World Trade Center for an exhibition, cause we might get some good deal from the exhibitor..

it's an exhibition talking about rubber, plastic, the machine and how the process of produce a plastic bag, water bottle and so..

here is the entrance card
actually nothing special but i had a lame conversation with my boss after we saw this machine :)

so what you think about this machine? it produce high quality plastic bag. and i have an dirty conversation with my boss

me: oww.. this company they produce condom as well..
Miyauchi: really? where is it?
me: duh.. just over there!
Miyauchi: wow.. that condom can fit into your head! and your girlfriend must b horny!