Thursday, October 16, 2008

Singapore news!

This morning when i on the way to office, i heard a breaking news from yes 93.3.. and suddenly i thought i was in Japan.. hehe *opss*

a 32 years old former female teacher, have sex with another 15 years old boy.

okay, what's wrong now? i felt abit funny with the comment from the audience

the first audience


the second audience

- whoa.. that is every boy's dream!!!

third audience

- wow.. Value added school.. keke

and what my thought.. is what MOE thought, wise mind are the same..

TLLM a.k.a talk less learn more.. LOL

if fiona xie are my teacher, i would rather go for retaintion..


so what you think about this...? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA hot chickmama teacher!!

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